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La Salle Study Centre Changjiao
Some Thoughts and Reflections
of Students Who Attended the
Years passes by, I have been studying English in LSSC Changjiao for almost five years already. I am proud to be a student in LSSC .And today is the last day of the summer programme 2011, it is time to say good bye, I feel very sad. But just like what Brother David said, all the good things must come to an end, so that better thing can begin! Then looking back the 18 days we have been studying in LSSC. I learnt a lot. Like the theme of this summer programme Gratitude and Togetherness. I know how to say thank you to the person who loves me and takes care of me, and I know how to build up the relationship with the guys who comes from Hongkong. At last, I want to say thank you to Brother David, Sister Anna, Auntie Tina, Auntie Vera, Godmother Nancy, Hongkong boys and my friends in LSSC. Thanks for teaching how to trust others, be grateful to others and gave me the chances to correct errors… Let’s pray and believe that tomorrow will be
better.Ilove you
forever LSSC. And thank you all of you. How time flies! LSSC 2011 Summer programme went to the end. During the three weeks, I learnt a lot from everybody there. I feel very grateful. I did many things that I had never tried before. They're very good experiences for me. Although I couldn't do everything well, they let me know my deficiency. and encourage me to improve myself as much as I can. This year, I really understand the meaning of gratefulness and togetherness. Not only because they are the theme of our summer programme, but also I tried it by myself. This year, I was the leader of Group 4, so I know how togetherness is important when we were practicing dancing, when we were practicing drama, when we were talking in each group to discuss something, it shown to all of us. So, I want to say thanks to my group members for their supporting to me. As for gratefulness, of course I learnt it from Brother. He taught me to have a thankful heart ,try to say thanks to all the people who have ever helped me. He taught me how to treat the problems in life. He encourages me to teach dancing and stand on the table, face to all the people and talk. So, as usual, I must say thank you to Brother. He is a good teacher and a good friend. I still remember, Brother said: I give you chance, if you don't take it, it will gone ,will not come back again! If you don't want to take it, I don't have any lost, the knowledge will not be stole by you, I still keep them. but you can't not improve! So, I ask myself to learn how to catch the opportunities and I think if I can get good use of everything that can be good for me, I can succeed one day. Very happy that I still can live in LSSC this year, very glad to meet many good teachers and friends there. Very thanks to Brother still supports me to do something what I want to do and what I want to try. Very grateful to Brother that can give me opportunities to learn, to think. The future is in my hands, I will try my best to build a better future for myself !And will not let you down. All good things must come to an end, so that better things can begin! I will cherish all the memories and remember them forever! Finally, Forever friends, Forever LSSC! Amy _________________________________________________________________________________________ 在LSSC之旅中的体会 LSSC成立已有十年之久,在每一年暑假,Brother都会开办一个‘巨大’的英语学习班,今年,也不例外。在7月18日,这个英语学习班开始了。我很有幸能成为LSSC中的一员,在这为期三周的学习时间里,我学会了很多,感触也很深。 这次的学习的主题是gratitude和togetherness,并且Brother邀请了六位香港朋友参加。在白天,我们为了肩上的那一份责任,团结在一起去教学生怎么学好英语,虽然在这之中有甜也有苦,但是我们每组的成员都是尽力地把它做到最好;在晚上,我们为了让第二天的任务可以完成的更顺利,总是会小组讨论去分配,而且我们还很卖力很用心的准备第二天需要的歌曲和舞步,因为我们知道,那是一份责任,无需回报。 虽然我是一名小老师,但我同时又是一位在class four学习的学生,在class four,让我见识到,什么是勇于表现的精神、什么叫学习英语的欲望,也让我学到,要怎么变得更加勇敢,要如何感恩,这些,都是在LSSC所给予我的。 在这次学习活动了,还让我意外收获了一样的东西。就是让我明白了,在LSSC中,是真正存在友谊的。在这次学习活动的最后一天晚上,我们在狂欢,可是却出现了小插曲,我意外受伤,可就是这次意外,让我看到了温馨的一面,LSSC的成员们没有逃避、没有退宿,而是细心地帮我护理伤口,一直陪伴在我身边,这些都让我很感动,虽然这跤摔得很痛,但痛得值得! 最后,我要感谢Brother,是你让我有这机会来LSSC学习;我要感谢Nancy,一起陪伴我们走过这几年,让我们从一个懵懂的小孩变成一个懂事的青少年;我要感谢Aunty Anna,Aunty Tina,Aunty Vera,是你们的协助,让这次的学习变得更加顺利;我要感谢几个香港朋友,是你们让我又多了几份珍贵的友谊,最后,我要感谢我的舍友们,是你们让我学会了忍让,学会了团结,同时让我体会到了温馨和感动。 Susan _________________________________________________________________________________________ 长教这个地方大家也许对它陌生,可是我提起一个人你可能略有所闻,那就是Brother David 【廖乐年】。 我认识 Brother David以来。从陌生渐渐到熟悉,Brother David 真的令我非常佩服。我在长教学习了差不多3年,在这些时间里我学习了许多知识,也懂得了很多道理,也增长了许多见闻。 一开始去长教 并不是我自愿的,而是经过我的母亲的威逼利诱才去的。因为我始终都不相信有这样的一个人-----无义务还免费教学,还资助别人上大学。那是我听了 ,我的第一想法是-----骗人的吧?教英文诶,现在英语老师多抢手啊,还有高薪呢。可是事实胜于雄辩,真的有这样的一个人。我现在很喜欢在长教学习,在那里学习很有趣。Brother David这个人真的很好。 我对于Brother David 的第一印象是个头矮矮,眼睛小小,皮肤黝黑,嘻嘻哈哈,开朗、乐观,完全没有老师的架子。刚开始去长教学习的时候,我胆子很小,不,因该说是懦弱,不敢在课堂上举手读英语。有一次Brother David点到我,让我读一段英文,我战战兢兢的站起来读,声音不大还颤抖着。读完后,Brother David慈祥的对我说:‘你不太会读两个音的单词,你不用怕的,大胆一点,读错了没关系。’那时我听了心里暖暖的,有点想哭的冲动,当时心里想:Brother David竟然没有骂我,没有批评我,不会向学校里的老师那样呵斥我,还这样鼓励我。恩,我一定要好好学。渐渐地,我对Brother David越来越佩服,我也敢举手读英语了,不过心里还是有些紧张。不管是谁,只要你有勇气举手读英语,即使你读错了,还是一样会鼓励你。Brother David会经常对我们说很多励志的话,还会和我们说他以前的经历,见闻等等。不过,唯一不会变得一句话就是:‘你们不用怕的,读错了没关系。’还有Brother David的教学方法,他不会像学校里那样呆板,枯燥,一上课就想睡觉。他的教学方法可以说是乱而有序,并且支持我们集体学习,就是说可以几个人一起讨论问题,互相帮助。要是在学校早就被老师骂喽,因为老师会以为我们在玩。不仅如此Brother David还会请许多不同国家的人来教我们英语。就在这一点可给我们增长了许多见闻呢。 Brother David身边还有一位他的得力助手,她叫Nancy廖惠茹,她是个‘80’后,可是她却有着‘90’后的心态成熟的思维。她也是令我佩服的一个人。相信你们见到Brother David和 Nancy后也会有这种感想的。 唉,Brother David令我佩服的地方太多了,说个三天三夜也说不完啊。如果你真的想知道的话就多去了解Brother David,他一定会让你佩服的五体投地的。 何海梅 _________________________________________________________________________________________ After struggling last term, I can feel my
passion for English fading. I didn't like it anymore because I tried
thousands of times but I was NEVER admitted!!! ( As for reasons ,
someone will know, but it should never be told. It ought not to!!) Time for mending. I will need to pick up again my
sense of oral English. Program each year in LSSC is different. HK boys
this year are of the exactly same level as me. So we can have more
topics to have fun about. But actually this year I did not live with HK
boys, instead I lived in villager's house. Time will never allow me to
spend over joyfully with all the staff there. I felt it will exhaust me
a lot to live there just like last year. I will die of tiredness. In the past three weeks learning in LSSC, I divided
my time into two part, one for English, of course. The other was for my
endless homework. I have to confess that I planned too big that my body
didn't allow me to sleep for only 6 hours each day (It felt like dying
to sleep that little). And I still couldn't catch up with my plan. They
said I am too drown into my own world, but I am too afraid to waste my
limited time. The UE examination seems occurring near and I am not
prepared! Steven _________________________________________________________________________________________ 光阴似箭,日月如梭,三个星期的长教生活一转眼就过去了。在这三个星期里,我学到了很多东西。我非常感谢Brother给了我这个学习的机会。 今年Brother教学的题材是感恩和团结。我被分到第一组教书,当我和我们组员一起安排事情时,当我们一起学习舞蹈时,当我们一起努力时,我明白了团结的意义。Brother曾经说过:“我们每个人都拥有一颗感恩的心,你要试着去感谢每一个人曾经帮助过你的人!”让我明白了感恩的意义。Brother还教我:当你面对所有人,你要大胆的用英语讲话,这样你的口语才能越来越好。所以今年我大胆的用英语与老师们交谈,而有许多人说我英语越来越好了。我要感谢Brother教会了我那么多东西。Brother还说过:“我给你机会,如果你不珍惜它,它就会消失,再也不会回来!”所以我正努力的学习如何把握好机会。非常感谢Brother能给我这次学习的机会。 还有两个Aunty和Nancy也帮助了我许多。Aunty Tina和Aunty Anna,在课余时间,她们总回找我聊天,教我一些英语的语法,让我能说出更多的英语句子。还有Nancy,每当我们生活中有一些难以解决的问题,她总能帮助我们。而且她也是Brother的好帮手,每当Brother有什么事情忙不过来,Nancy也能帮Brother分担一部分。Nancy也经常教我们英语,当我们在吃饭时,Nancy会不时的问我们几个英语问题,还会教我们几个英语单词和几种英语语法。 我非常感谢Brother、Nancy和两个Aunty。我会更加努力,好好珍惜。创造一个更好的明天!同时也希望LSSC办的越来越好! 曾文锐
LSSC 2011 _________________________________________________________________________________________ The same as the previous years, I come back and joined the summer programme in LSSC, just in order to learn something and help Bro. David a little bit. As a helper, especially a leader of a group of helpers for the last week of this programme, really let me learnt a lot: leadership, which is an university student should have, luckily, I have this chance for me to practice and learn, for example, after this summer programme, I know that to be a leader, you should be able to listen what other members say, and can’t make decision just according to your own thoughts. For the students who followed me these three weeks, I fell a little bit pity, because I don’t think there were enough time for you to learn English well and I didn’t teach you guys much. As a student of Bro. David I think most of the knowledge I learnt is not from Bro. David’s lessons, it’s from the chatting we have during these three weeks. In this way, I don’t think I am a good student, haha. Actually I would like to join the call four, which should be very meaningful, because of the time limited, I wasn’t able to join the whole class. But, there is one thing I really feel sad, it’s the local students here didn’t make use of the foreign helpers, they are from well English spoken countries, so, why don’t you tried to talk to them, just a few sentences a day, will make you improve a lot. Nowadays, it’s not easy to find a place like LSSC, which can have this chance for you to talk whatever you want in English, and they will try to correct you when you are wrong. So I hope next time when there are Bro. David’s friends in LSSC, the students can try to talk to them in English when they are free. For me, I think this is a good way to learn English well. This summer programme is over; we pray and believe that next summer programme will be better. Ken Liao _________________________________________________________________________________________ Feelings of life in LSSC In this summer holiday, I still can stayed at LSSC to learn English, this is a good chance for me. By staying at LSSC, my English improved a lot, especially the spoken Engilsh. This year, the theme of our summer programme are gratefulness and togetherness. I learned a lot from the theme, I understand that we should have a thankful heart, help the people who need our help and say “thank you” to everyone who have ever helped me, I will try my best to do that. In this summer programme, there are six boys from Hongkong, and they join us. We sang and danced together. They are very friendly and humourous. I also learnt a lot from them. And I had 13 roomates , when I fell into troubles, they often helped me ,so I really understand the meaning of the togetherness from them. From the second week, Brother David encouraged us to stand on the table and face to everybody and talk. When the first time I stood on the table, I felt very nervous and speak not good enough. So I learned a lesson from that time , I shouldn’t be so nervous! Then I stood on that table again, it was better than the first time. Thanks Brother giving us this chance , I would like to say that it is a unforgettable experience and it improve myself. I met three kind women, they are Sister Anna, Aunty Tina and Aunty Vera. They teached us how to read the articles better and they often talked with us, so I want to say “thank you very much ”to them. And Nancy, I will remember what you said to me , and I will try to use the proper words in proper ways. All good things must come to an end , so that better things can begin! I will always remember that ! Finally, I want to thank everybody in LSSC .We are forever friends! Ashly _________________________________________________________________________________________ LSSC长教之体验 Time flies! At this moment, I am taking the train to Guangzhou. With the scene is changing, I think of many things that happened in LSSC Chan Jiao. We played by using water, we chatted with no limitation between male and female, we shared our happiness and sadness, we discussed for our tomorrow-teaching at night, we practiced dancing and singing…and so on. In our big family——LSSC Changjiao! This is the first time to me to be a little teacher. I am glad that I can do some helping for LSSC. As far as I am concern, the way of teaching is so impressive! I have learnt so much from it .Although I made some mistakes in the beginning, and they were corrected gradually. And I realized that this is also the way to help your own. So, I am going to thank Nancy, Brother, Anna ,Tina, Vera and so on! Gratitude and Togetherness are our themes this year. We can not have a good time without those two things. And now, LSSC Chang Jiao is part of my life already. I love the mountain of CJ, the water of CJ, and the people in CJ. Last not least, all of you , thank you so much! Wherever and whenever I am, you are all in my heart. And I will be back someday! Take care! Yanni _________________________________________________________________________________________ Why time is always so fast,Suddenly, Three weeks summer programme passed quickly. There are too many memories many sad farewells in LSSC,. There are too many words, I don't know how to express. Express my gratitude there, thanks to Brother, thanks for all there. In there I learned a lot, and let me know a lot. David giving us this opportunity, he gives us also love, and care .so I want to say thanks to Brother, Thank him for our pay Each time we left LSSC has too much emotion. Because it is very important to our hearts, Have deep feelings, a lot memories of us. we cherish,We grateful,We are in the care of the family。 In this summer programme, In life there feel a little different, May we all grown up, unlike the previously thought So, no longer as before, some unpleasant things. I feel really happy. In this three weeks, We communicate with Honkong boys together, dance together, learn together, play together. And with everyone's life is very memorable Just there are many memories, feelings and grateful. I don’t know how to express, Everything is in silence, all recorded in each of our hearts. Has been treasure. . LSSC is a big family, is our common home, There have love, warm and Brother. Selina _________________________________________________________________________________________ 这个暑假LSSC的补习结束了,内心极为不舍。 All good things must come to an end, so that the better thing can happen! LSSC 是一个大家庭,里面的成员来自不同的学校,地区,但都有同一个梦想,英语能学得好,能讲的流利。 Brother David 总是给我们创造机会,BD带来了外地的老师,让我们有机会和他们交流,说错没有关系,重要的是你自己开口讲,这些话总是可以在BD或Nancy的口中听到,他们总是这样鼓励我们,使我们在挫折中变得更有自信,在学习英语的过程也在学习一种精神,一种像BD一样乐于助人,刻苦学习,能笑对困难. LSSC, 让我相信自己我可以,感谢LSSC,感谢BD,we pray and believe that tomorrow will be better! 廖友芬 _________________________________________________________________________________________ 我认为我是非常幸运的。为什么呢?因为这个暑假我又再次的在LSSC这里学习英语,LSSC是一个大家庭,它包含了不同学校的,不同地区的,不同国家的学生们和老师们。LSSC这个充满爱,温暖,团结的大家庭里,更蕴藏了一位英雄,这位英雄的义教事迹已传遍世界各地,他就是我们的Brother David,廖乐年老师。 Brother David,任劳任怨,助人为乐,舍己为人的精神是值得我们学习的。这个暑假的主题就是Togetherness 和Gratitude. Brother David让我懂得了不仅要学好知识,而且要学好怎样做人,怎样对待生活中的的问题,教我们面对困难或挫折,绝不能气馁,放弃,而是笑着,勇敢的去面对。Brother David不仅教给我们英语,还教我们怎样交朋友,交朋友的重要性……Brother David教给了我们许多许多,让我们也学到了更多,开阔了我们的视野。 Brother David值得我们骄傲,值得我们赞扬,更值得我们学习。我将用我的实际行动来报答Brother David,好好学习,努力奋斗,这是我最好的报答方式,让我们行动起来吧!Thank you Brother David! 廖永丹(Vanda) _________________________________________________________________________________________ 这年的暑假,我回到了LSSC,我在这里过的非常的充实。 今年对于我来说,是我人生中最不能忘怀的一年。 放假不久,我和同伴到Brother David那儿,Brother跟我们说让我们今年帮他教书,但是的我,不敢去接受这个任务,因为我自己的音都读得不准,我怕误导学生,但之后Nancy告诉我们,要对自己有信心,勇敢的去接受这个任务。的确是,不去试一试,怎么知道自己不行呢?我毅然的接受了这个任务。之后,我跟同伴跟Brother说我们想要住在这里,Brother也答应了,我们便高兴地踏上了这三个星期的学习旅途。 18号开学了,我在第四班,我就教一班的小学生,教完之后我就去听三班的课。我们在这个暑假主要是叫学生们唱歌,舞蹈。这些舞都是我们这些小老师晚上聚在一起排练,之后等学生们把歌学完了,我们就教他们跳舞。虽然是第一次教书,但我觉得不是挺难的,学生们很可爱,而且他们也喜欢我这个小老师,有时剩余的几分钟时间,我都会跟他们说说笑笑。 In the afternoon, 我们有reading time。每当这时我都会拿自己喜爱的书来读,先自己读,然后再找外国回来的三个老师读,让他们纠正我的发音。Sometimes, reading time finish,我们会跟几个老师在那聊天,让老师了解我们,同时我们也可以更了解老师。After dinner, 我们都会一起去散步,在这里,我真正感受到了快乐。每当晚上,我们都会先开会,之后我们自己活动啦。我们才刚开始学跳舞,所以必须每晚排练,在这里,笑声充满了整个大厅。Student and Hongkong boys 聚在一起跳舞,大家都跳得非常好。Hongkong boys要走的前一天和我们的 last day, 我们和所有的学生欢聚在这个大厅里,我们每个group 的组员和学生们都表演舞蹈和唱歌,真的是非常美好的一天,真希望时间能停留在那一刻,因为我们相聚在LSSC。 三个星期的课程结束了,虽然结束,但我们期待着明年的到来。在这里我学习到了很多知识和认识了很多朋友,也让我变得很快乐,让我感受到了不仅是学习还是我们的欢乐天地,感谢LSSC 的每一位成员,因为有你们,才让我们明白了许多,因为有你们鼓舞我不断地前进。Brother所做的一切,我们必须不断地发扬,我们要努力学习来回报Brother。 Finally, 我们要Thankfulness and togetherness。 廖苏婷 |
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